Deleting PostsOn Thursday, I posted
this. In the post, I stated I was having problems with mental "fogginess"/confusion, and that I'd limit my comments due to that fact. But after I posted, I started worrying that maybe, in my confusion, I might have misstated something, or seemed to treat a serious subject in a flippant way. I took the post down.
This subject has been bothering me ever since, and after thinking and worrying about it, I've made some decisions. I have multiple impairments right now. Mental confusion makes it very difficult to process information and respond to that information. But I still have something to say when I'm feeling foggy. I'm going to screw up whether I'm at 100% functioning or 10% functioning. I hope that people let me know when I screw up-please, call me on my shit-but I'm going to stop hiding when I'm not 100%. I don't know if 100% is ever coming back, but I do know that I'm not finished thinking and discussing.
Thanks for Proving My Point
Amanda apologized for her use of the photo (see link above). That's more than many would do, but she really should have turned the comments off, or moderated comments. People are
pissed! How dare anyone accuse them of anything improper! You can use any cultural image you want, other as many brown-skinned women as you want, if you do it in the name of feminism. What's funny, in a sick sort of way, is how similar the reactions of many in the comment thread are to the average right-wing response. "You're too sensitive!"
Yeah. Right.