When we first brought Bumble home, I felt badly that he was a single bunny. It would be good for him to have a stuffed friend to keep him company, and I found a website that sold several types of "Bunny Buddies":

The website selects the type of Bunny Buddy for you instead of letting you choose. We ended up with the strangest, freakiest one of the bunch:

Forget the strange ears, they didn't even stamp its face on straight! Not surprisingly, Bumble has spent the last 2.5 years ignoring the odd thing. But recently, something must have happened, for Bunny Buddy has come into its own. Look how Bumble spends part of every evening now:

On Friday, I discovered Bumble in a position he never lays in: head-first in the hutch, giving the bunny butt to Bunny Buddy!

Fortunately, it was a false alarm. He'd gotten mad at his litter box and thrown it, as best he could, across the room. He was giving the bunny butt to the litter box. (Ponder for a moment, the idea of giving the bunny butt to your own toilet.) I'm happy to report that things are still good between Bumble and his freaky friend.
oh, fer cute.
what does it mean when their ears are up or back? is it like cats where they are up if they're interested or happy and back when they're annoyed?
bumble looks warm and cozy. hooray for bumble butt!
Sometimes I think I want a bunny but then I realize that I can't farking move from this spot because of the tired.
ms. jared-Both ears up means you have their attention. One ear up means it might not be worth the trouble to pay attention! For many buns, ears down/back does mean annoyed, but Bumble always puts his ears down when he's relaxing.
shannon-So sorry to hear you're still struggling. Fatigue just drains everything. I hope it's better soon.
Oh my goodness - what is that website. I must have one. Or rather, Niko must have one.
I am going to copy that design and make some for myself!!! I live in a terribly cramped space so - no real bunnies for me. My fish also died a few months ago :(
Those are sooo cute. I'm very J of bumble.
Ha! this cheered me up...I needed a laugh :)
and all benefits go to the shelter to benefit the rabbits. They have lots of great stuff if you have the cash.
AradhanaD-I'm jealous of your talent! Sorry about your fish. I hate when people lose fish and act like they just broke a plate or something.
Sparkle-Bumble always sends you smiles.
Does Bumble need anger management? He seems to be taking out some kind of frustration on his possessions lately--first the bottle buddy, now this!!!
Amy-He does need anger management training. But, as mean as he is to his toys, and the walls, and the stairs, he doesn't treat me like that, so I'm going to leave well enough alone.
I am about to become the president of the first Bumble Fan Club in Germany. My whole office has in the meantime fallen in love with Bumble and is usually eagerly awaiting my Monday morning cry:"Yeeees.......new Monday Bunny Blogging there!"
Aw, that's so cute! It's a bunny from the island of misfit bunnies!
bloggingmone-You have made my day. The thought that not only you, but your office mates enjoy seeing Bumble has cheered me up.
thirza-You're one of very few people who get the island of misfit toys thing. He *is* from the island of misfit bunnies.
you might just change my fear of bunnies, although I do not forsee myself getting one or anything drastic like that.
Burrow, Bumble would love you. That is, once he got brave enough to stop hiding from you. I was lucky enough to meet Amy and Kya from Feminist Reprise, and Bumble spent their entire visit hiding in the corner.
So to your fear of rabbits, Bumble would say "I know what you mean!"
Once the tears of joy at Bumble's weekly appearance had dried, I marvelled at the expanse of emotions a bunny's but and ears can express. I shall be watching the wild bunnies in the top field through my binoculars in a much more informed way now. Thank you. Much love xxx
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